Chatroom - Altrincham Garrick

I STILL haven’t worked it out.

Whenever I go to review a production of a play or a show with a small audience it invariably falls into the outstanding category.

Chatroom is no exception.

For me, live theatre and TV drama is always at its best when shining a light on difficult issues and dragging the audience or the viewer into a darker world, a world you’re relieved to escape when you leave the theatre or turn off the TV.

However shocked you feel it can also be an enlightening experience as this evening in the company of the Internet generation is.

It’s oh so tempting to envy teenagers as they’re largely free of responsibilities and live to just enjoy themselves.

That’s a myth of course. Just ask Jim, the central character in Enda Walsh’s deeply unsettling but ultimately hopeful play.

Pining for a dad who suddenly and mysteriously went AWOL and nursing the psychological and physical scars of a difficult home life, this troubled teen is contemplating suicide.

Walsh’s brilliant script doesn’t dilute the difficult nature of this difficult topic while at the same time refusing to sensationalise it.

Rather he tells this absorbing tale with quiet compassion and you find yourself caring deeply about Jim, forever the outcast..

A young and dynamic cast more than do justice to this exceptional piece of work, expertly brought to the stage by Joe Meighan, the Garrick’s young and dynamic artistic director.

Highly recommended.

Until July 24. The box office is on 0161 928 1677. Star rating -****