No Pay No Way - Royal Exchange Theatre

FARCES had never appealed to me in the past, with their formulaic humour and shrill silliness, people getting caught in compromising positions, usually minus important items of clothing.

But No Pay No Way, the latest production from the Royal Exchange, is different. This is a farce with social bite. The characters inhabit a world of high inflation, where people are choosing between eating or heating.

Does that sound in any way familiar?

Life is still a perennial struggle for the so-called ordinary Joe in Marieke Hardy’s oh so apt new version of Fo and Rame’s comedy classic. But in this production us audience members never felt like we were being preached at.

It simply reminds us that it is possible to laugh and think at the same time thanks to Hardy’s engaging and laugh out loud funny script and a cast who treat us to a masterclass in comedy timing.

Anwar Russell, who plays a number of ridiculous and cartoonish policemen is a classic case in point and there’s also a kooky chemistry between Samantha Power and Katherine Pearce as best pals Antonia and Margheritta, two good friends who find themselves thrust into a situation that becomes increasingly bizarre as the on stage chaos unfolds.

Equally impressive is Roger Morlidge as Antonia’s hubby Giovanni and Gurjeet Singh as Margaheritta’s other half Luigi, doing a very convincing impression of a rabbit caught in headlights when Giovanni confronts him with what he thinks is a life changing revelation.

A well scripted, superbly acted farce that was richly deserving of the standing ovation that greeted its end.

Strongly recommended. A hoot with a heart.

Star rating - ****

Until June 10. Tickets are available from 0161 833 9833 or

Photo - Johan Persson.